The fifth installment of Render Wrestling was an action packed event, with brutal brawls, fast paced fights and more matches confirmed for Troubleshoot.
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Mark Gracias vs. Jason Gates | ★
Mark Gracias faced off against the debuting manager of Jake Cross, Jason Gates. During the entrances, a brawl between Jake and Macias broke out backstage, as they were banned from ringside. Gracias posed at the start of the match, allowing Jason to get one punch in, before ultimately getting hit with a barrage of Skull Crushing Finales that put Gates away for good, meaning that Macias & Gracias were allowed entry into the Troubleshoot Tag Match. It was one of the shortest matches in RW history, but afterwards, The Hellhounds would attack Gates and Gracias, thus summoning one half of the Tag Champs, Denis Ryley to come after both of them. After Ryley disposed of Roberts, he went into the ring and with a distraction from Gates, did the same to Valor, however then Ryley's frustrations from recent weeks would finally come to a climax as he kneed Gates in the face too.
Johnny Bones vs. Cristian Cruz | ★★★
Johnny Bones, after giving Travis Carter a Phenomenal Forearm in BCW, he has to face the debuting Christian Cruz, after Johnny demanded a match at Volume 6. In a pretty back and forth match, Bones would get the win on Cruz with a Phenomenal Forearm. After the match, Travis Carter appeared on the stage, taunting Johnny Bones. Johnny was tired of Carter after injuring his tag partner, Keisuke, so he came in to brawl with Carter. These 2 take the fight backstage, but it's Carter that has the upper hand and gives Bones a spear through the electricity box. Tony Mustang would appear and he tells Travis that he'll face Johnny at Troubleshoot in a Falls Count Anywhere match, with the winner getting an RW World Title shot.
Devendra Kumar vs. Toney Johnson |★★★
In this match, two superstars made their debuts in the forms of Toney Johnson, and the monstrous Devendra Kumar. This match showed us Kumar's dominance, but Toney Johnson was able to use his speed over Kumar to get the advantage on more than one occasion, dropping Kumar with thesz presses, and even a diving elbow drop. Toney tried everything he could to stop the unstoppable, but despite this, Kumar would drop Toney with a two-handed chokeslam, giving him the win, and an opportunity to enter the Braveheart championship ladder match.
Adam Wolf vs. Ajax Void | ★★★
This match saw a great back and forth encounter between Ajax Void and Adam Wolf, as Christian Cruz was at ringside. These two went head to head in a great match, where it looked like either person could win, as the two would counter each other's moves, and land devastating blows that looked like they'd normally get the job done. This match saw Adam Wolf nearly gets counted out, a huge shot to the steel steps, and huge signature maneuvers being countered by both men before this one ended. Even with all that this match looked like it was heating up, but that all changed as Christian Cruz distracted Adam Wolf, leaving him vulnerable to the Empty Void, as Ajax Void got the win, and Adam Wolf faced yet another loss.
Itazura vs. Colton Pierce vs. Damian Drake vs. Alex Irivine (RW Championship #1 Contendership) | ★★★★
In our main event, Colton Pierce defeated Damian Drake, Alex Irvine and Itazura in an Elimination Fatal 4 Way match to become the #1 Contender for Xander Payne’s RW World Heavyweight Championship. The match had brutal moments, such as a ring post big boot to the skull of Alex Irvine courtesy of Itazura and an outside the ring Superplex by Colton Pierce inflicted on Damian Drake. Other tremendous feats also occurred such as a through the ropes DDT by Drake, Powerbomb onto the outside by Pierce, and an out of nowhere Bomaye reversal into a Boston Crab by Irvine. The match was one of the fastest paced in RW history, with constant action no matter where you look, but it ultimately came down to Itazura and Colton Pierce, after an interference from the ever so mysterious Ajax Void sealed Damian Drake’s fate and a low blow followed by a devastating Bomaye eliminated Irvine. Once the Viper and the Japanese legend were one on one, a body slam on the stairs occurred, along with a shocking Bomaye kick out, followed by a hangman’s ddt and a RKO to finish things off. After the match, Xander Payne would walk out and hold the title above Colton Pierce as the two men faced off, eye to eye to end the show.
vMVP #5 | Colton Pierce
Colton Pierce outlasted 3 other top tier competitors to name himself the number one contender. He inflicted jaw-dropping moves like slams on top of the steel steps, a superplex to the ringside concrete, and even kicked out of a devastating Bomaye. Pierce was a vital part of this historic match, showcasing what truly makes him the Apex Predator of RW, and why he deserves a shot at the RW World Heavyweight Championship.
Landon Prius is a wrestling journalist signed to Render Wrestling.